Age-Specific Learning

Students from Years 5-8 tend to be more inquisitive as they progress from concrete thinking to abstract thinking. They start to define their values and perceptions of life and become more independent

Pioneered by the Pacific Group of Christian Schools in 1997, Middle School is a uniquely tailored environment designed for this age group. It features specific programs, resources and learning spaces.

It is presented by dedicated teachers who understand the developmental and educational profiles of these children.

Middle School Students Learning Together

Seamless Transition

The conventional education system transfers students from a key teacher in Primary School to multiple teachers in High School. This change can be overwhelming for students whilst they navigate their personal development.

Middle School has become a proven initiative in helping students to navigate those differences. The result is uninterrupted learning and growth which prevents students from becoming disconnected or falling behind.

  • Year 5 and 6 students have a Home Teacher for most of their core subjects
  • Science, Technologies, Visual Arts, Music and Mathematics Extension are taught by specialist staff
  • Each year students make a gradual change to more specialist teachers
  • By Year 8 the students have been prepared for school life in Senior School

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

A Place to call Home

Middle School features a Home Room and a Home Room Teacher who is trained in the characteristics and needs of young adolescents.

  • The Home Room Teacher is pastoral and forms a connection with each student
  • Students feel settled with a familiar and safe place in which to learn and a person who understands them

The Whole Child
  • We look beyond academic growth to the development of every aspect of a student’s life: spiritual, emotional, social and physical
  • This is incorporated into our learning programs
  • Extra-curricular activities are encouraged
  • A Positive Behaviour Program helps students to make good choices in their lives

Christian Education in Community

Middle School students are part of a caring and nurturing Christian community. Our dedicated and highly trained teachers know and care for each child and recognise that each one is uniquely created by God with their own giftings and talents.

Our goal is to help students to identify their skills and grow them, and to look for ways in which they can be used to serve the community.

All learning at Pacific Valley Christian School is done with a Biblical world view. Spiritual growth is so important to us that we hold a Pastoral Care class every day.

Future Leaders

Service is a big part of our culture and we encourage students to seek leadership roles which build wisdom, compassion and courage.

  • Middle School captains
  • Vice captains
  • Prefects
  • House captains

Entry Points

Year 5: Students receive the full benefit of Middle School. They receive a head start on developing habits and understanding the expectations they will need for Senior School.

Year 7: Students receive the benefit of two years' development and familiarisation with high school expectations whilst benefiting from the support provided in the Middle School environment.