Choosing the right school for your child, a place where they will prosper and grow, shapes the right future for them. We would love to welcome you into our Pacific Valley community and we invite you to start your journey of Christian Education with us today.

Step 1 - Book a Personal Tour

We invite you to meet us on-campus to take a close look at our facilities. You’ll be hosted by our friendly Registrar, Jenny Fischer, and you will get the chance to meet our Principal, Brett Sharrock, and some of the staff. Simply click on the link to book your visit.

Book Your Tour

Step 2 - Online Application

Use the link to access the online form and upload your details. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Registrar.

Start Your Application

Required Documents

Required Documents

Please include the following documents with your application (PDF, JPG or PNG format).

  • Birth certificate
  • Passport (if your child was born overseas; include Proof of Citizenship or Visa)
  • Medicare Immunisation History Statement (available on your personal Medicare site)
  • Child’s last 3 school reports (Years 1-12 students)
  • Child’s NAPLAN reports
  • Specialist, therapy and/or medical reports (if applicable)
  • Court or custody orders that exist for the guardianship arrangements of your child
  • Parent(s) Visa/Proof of Citizenship (applicable if both parents were born overseas)
Step 3 - Response From Registrar

Jenny Fischer will contact you to confirm that your application has been received. She will advise you of any additional information if necessary (eg. whether or not your application is on a wait list, etc.).

Step 4 - Offer Of Placement

Successful candidates receive an Offer of Placement from our Registrar to sign and return.

Step 5 - Acceptance Of Offer

Following the receipt of your signed Offer of Placement and enrolment fee, our Registrar will present you with an Acceptance Of Offer. You will be advised of the required uniform and stationery items for your child – based on which year they are in – and details of the next Orientation event.

Congratulations! We welcome you as a valued member of the Pacific Valley community!