
Private Bus

Yamba and Palmers Island - as part of our service to families living in these areas, we run a private bus service every morning and afternoon to take students to and from their homes. Our brightly coloured bus can’t be missed! This is a free service.

Gulmarrad - Pacific Valley is planning to include a free bus service in 2023 for families living in this area.


Busways, Australia’s largest private bus company, services the Clarence Valley region.


Edinburgh Drive, Townsend

Many of our families prefer to travel to and from School using their own transport.

The Kiss and Drop zone, located in front of our School, allows parents to remain in their vehicles as staff and the prefect student body assist children to get in and out safely and with ease.

Off-street parking is available when children need to be dropped off late or picked up early…or when parents want to stay and fellowship at our friendly Pacific Valley Café with its delicious Botero coffee and tasty treats.

Easy To Find

Here is a map to help you get your bearings for the location of our School campus.