Quick answers to the most-asked questions. If you have other questions you would like answered we invite you to contact us using the Connect page.

Does Pacific Valley have School Tours?
How do I apply to enrol my child?
Do I have to be a Christian or attend church to enrol my child?
What is the entry age for Kindergarten?
Will there be an Orientation Day before my child starts?
What are the School opening hours?
What extra-curricular options are available?
What transport options are available?

Does Pacific Valley have School Tours?

We offer personal school tours throughout the year. We would be delighted to provide your family with an up-close view that allows you to meet our staff, experience our school in action and to get a feel for the spirit of our learning community.

How do I apply to enrol my child?

For a straightforward and seamless application use the online application form in our Enrol section. A how to apply guide is provided.

Do I have to be a Christian or attend church to enrol my child?

No. We welcome families of varied backgrounds and faiths to enrol their children. However, all families enrolled at Pacific Valley are required to support and respect the Christian beliefs and values that are framed by our vision to provide a Christian educational community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and behaviour. Students are required to fully participate in all School activities and programs which enable them to explore and develop their personal Christian faith.

Pacific Valley is required to deliver all teaching in alignment with the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) guidelines. As a distinctly Christian school, the curriculum is taught from a Biblical perspective and framed by the Christian worldview.

What is the entry age for Kindergarten?

Children in New South Wales are required by law to commence mandatory schooling by their 6th birthday. Your child can begin Kindergarten at the start of the school year if they turn 5 on or before 31 July the year they commence.

Children develop and learn in varying ways. As a parent, as you consider when your child should start at school, it is important to consider the readiness of your child emotionally, socially and academically. Our teachers are always ready to welcome and help your child commence their educational journey in our Christ-centered learning community, nurturing them as valuable human beings with the capacity to learn and develop personally, relationally, and academically.

Will there be an Orientation Day before my child starts?

Children who commence at the beginning of the school year (excluding those in grades 6 and 8) will be involved in Orientation Days. Enrolled families are contacted prior to the date with details of the event.

What are the School opening hours?

The main School office opens at 8:00am and closes at 4:00pm.

What extra-curricular options are available?

At Pacific Valley we are committed to enhancing and enriching the lives of our students. We provide a variety of extra-curricular activities for students to develop their God-given gifts and talents, including competition sports and our performing arts OneMaker Academy.

What transport options are available?

There are several options for travel to and from Pacific Valley including:

  • Car - parents/carers may wish to drive their children to Townsend. The ‘Kiss and Drop Zone’ provides a safe space on our school grounds for parents to safely deliver and pick up their children.
  • Public Transport – Pacific Valley has a fleet of buses and we are supported by local bus companies. For more details view our transport page.